I am in love with a married man
Dear Sauna, I am in a relationship with a married
man for the past nine months. I love him a lot but I find myself feeling
guilty too.
I think I have landed myself in a mess but I don’t know how to get out
of it. I don’t wish to ruin his marriage. What should I do? He is a nice
person and also helps me whenever I face any problem. Both of us are
happy in the relationship which we share. He keeps blaming his wife for
not being there for him. Should I continue this relationship? I am
worried and confused.
— Taarika
Dear Taarika,
You are playing with fire and be
prepared to get scarred badly. Remember it is highly unlikely that he
will leave his wife for you. One day he will just stop communicating
with you — the day he realises that what he is doing is wrong and that
he can’t be cheating on his wife. It will only make you an emotional
mess and you will be left grieving. The faster you move on, the better
it will be for you. Also are you ready to face the repercussions when
the wife finds out? Think about it too.