Sunday, July 5, 2015

Perfect Moments You Have With Your Partner When You’re In Love

Perfect Moments You Have With Your Partner When You’re In Love

To love is to live, they say. No matter how much you try and deny it, everyone loves being in love. Being in a relationship with someone is magical, and there are little moments you encounter that make you giddy with emotion.
Here are 11 perfect little moments that you encounter with your significant other when you’re in love.

1. The first kiss with them makes your world spin

2. When you realize for the first time, that you’ve fallen unconditionally in love

And they reciprocate it in the best way possible.

3. The first time your partner does something spontaneous and incredibly special for you

And you can’t stop reeling over it.

4. The first time they show, with gestures, just how much you mean to them

The first selfie they took with you? You have and cherish it.

5. When they proudly introduce you to their friends as their partner for the first time

When they are proud of calling you their person.

6. The first time the two of you take a trip together

And attached with it are so many memories and experiences that you can always go back to, through pictures.

7. The first time you stay up all night and bare your souls to each other

When you see that vulnerable side of them, and you feel nothing but love for them. Through and through.

8. The first time they hint that they’re ready for a long term commitment

When you become a part of their future, and when they become yours.

9. The first time you spend a day in comfortable silence, just enjoying each others’ presence

It’s when you know your relationship has reached another level.

10. The first time you guys do embarrassing things in front of each other and not be weird about it

Farts, laughs, sweatpants, wrestling matches…it’s all in there.

11. The first time you express yourself just from a look

That you can talk to each other with just your eyes.

12. And the first time you wake up next to them, knowing that this is all you’re ever going to need

And you wouldn’t have it any other way.