Sunday, June 28, 2015

10 Reasons Why Women Don't Always Have an Orgasm

Are you worried at your inability to orgasm every time you have an intercourse? Unlike male reproductive systems which are designed to orgasm automatically during intercourse, women can orgasm only from pleasure. But it may not always be the guy's responsibility, if you aren't ‘tipping over the edge'. Studies show that to climax, the brain also needs to be sexually stimulated. Don't worry, we are not suggesting some kind of weird foreplay involving the brain, only that we women need to keep away from things that may turn us ‘off'. Here are ten reasons why that orgasm is proving just a little more elusive.

Still learning how to do it: It's rare for women to orgasm during the first time they have sex or even during their first time with a specific guy. Every woman's pleasure points vary and even an experienced guy will not easily be able to manipulate them to climax. It works best when you know your pleasure points and can guide your partner.

Racing through foreplay: Yes, everybody knows that foreplay is important. But what most of don't know is the amount of foreplay required for women to climax. "Most women need about 20 minutes of arousal time to reach the 'orgasmic platform,' when the clitoris is most sensitive and the body is primed for stimulation," says sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright, author of the Hot Guide to Safer Sex. Many women feel conscious of the amount of time it takes to get fully aroused and often just skip it to please the men. Next time, try telling this to your boyfriend or husband. You'd be surprised at how willing they would be to notch up your pleasure slowly and gradually.

They don't believe they can: If you haven't been able to orgasm ever in your life so far, it doesn't mean you can't orgasm. Anorgasmia or persistent inability to orgasm afflicts only the rarest of rare. Experts suggest that any woman interested enough in sex to want to have an orgasm almost certainly can, given the right situation and stimulation. If you are still worrying about it, just try stimulating yourself to know your pleasure and push points.

Not enough clitoral stimulation: Less than one-third of women can achieve orgasm through penetration alone. Your foreplay should include considerable amount of clitoral stimulation. So make sure you get that, if you want to climax.

Distracted mind: One of my friends, a workaholic, often complained that she couldn't enjoy sexbecause work assignments kept popping into her head during sex, thus effectively bunging a spanner in the works.

Too conscious: Thoughts like ‘What if I am doing this wrong?' or ‘Is my partner bored?' or ‘Am I taking too long?' will deviate you from the path to pleasure, thus dampening your experience.

Body image issues: Most women face body image issues that crop up suddenly during sex, especially during the earlier days of your relationship when you are not fully comfortable or want everything to be perfect. Suddenly feeling that ‘my thighs are too huge' or my ‘breasts are too small' will certainly not help you achieve an orgasm.

Recovering from trauma: Sure, you thought that you had already put behind your bad pastexperience or childhood memories that put you off sex then, but to your surprise, they have surfaced even today, and right in the middle of intercourse. It's a brave step to get past your issues to the extent of getting down to intercourse. But your baggage probably still haunts you, so consulting a good therapist is your route now to happier intercourse.

Feeling obligated to please the guy: While sex is a taboo subject in India, what is worse is that most Indian girls are brought up with the idea that pleasing the man, even in bed, is her primary goal. The ancients always advocated sex for progeny, so only a man's orgasm was given importance. But things have changed since the 21st century. So shake off that habit and pleasure yourselves too.

Worrying about orgasm: Here's the biggest irony. You spend your entire intercourse and foreplayperiod worrying and trying so hard to achieve orgasm, that you forget to relax and enjoy sex. Therefore, no orgasm achieved again!